The Beauty of the Spiral

Finding Perspective in the Everyday Moments of Motherhood

Motherhood is beautiful, but let’s be honest—it’s also incredibly hard. Some days feel overwhelming, exhausting, and repetitive. The to-do list never seems to end, and the weight of responsibility can feel heavy.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re just spinning your wheels, stuck in an endless cycle of chores, tantrums, and exhaustion—you’re not alone. We’ve all been there. And that’s why we need each other. We need to be a support system, reminding one another that even in the chaos, there is beauty.

In this blog post, I want to share a personal story that helped me shift my perspective on the routine tasks of motherhood. I’ll talk about how even when it feels like we’re stuck in a loop, there’s beauty to be found in the subtle changes that happen day by day. I’ll also discuss how we can embrace the small moments and how reaching out to another mom can make a difference. Together, we can create a community where we support each other through the highs and lows.

One day, in the middle of one of those hard, frustrating mornings, I had a moment of realization that completely changed my perspective. I want to share it with you in hopes that it might do the same for you.

The Realization That Changed Everything

One day, I was feeling extra frustrated by the never-ending, mundane tasks of being a mom. I thought about what my day was going to look like—dishes, laundry, getting the kids to school, cleaning, making dinner, and more cleaning. Just like the day before. And just like the day after that.

As I started spiraling into a dark place, I decided to jump in the shower. If I had all this to do, I might as well start the day off clean, right?

While in the shower, a thought came to me. (Anyone else have their best thoughts in the shower? I swear it’s the only five minutes we get alone! Haha.)

The thought started with the phrase spinning in circles, and I immediately thought, Yes! That is exactly what I’m doing! But then, it hit me—No, I’m not.

I’m not spinning in circles.

I’m on a beautiful spiral staircase.

Yes, my days may feel like the same routine, over and over, but if I stop on each step and actually take in the view, I can see that it’s constantly changing. And that change is beautiful.

I look at my 15-year-old son—who, just yesterday, was an 8-pound baby boy they handed me in the hospital—and today he’s a young man who towers over me in height. Time seems to move so fast that it feels like I blinked, and the baby I once cradled is now bigger than me.

Each and every day is the only day that my kids will ever be this exact age, this exact size. Tomorrow, they will be a little older. They will have already learned something new from today.

Embracing the Spiral

This simple shift in perspective changed everything for me. Instead of feeling trapped in a cycle of repetition, I realized that I was actually moving forward, step by step. The tasks may be the same, but the moments within them are constantly evolving.

So today, I choose to embrace the spiral. To pause on the step I’m on and appreciate the view—because it will never look quite the same again.

And if you’re feeling stuck, just know—you are not alone. We are in this together, climbing our own staircases, doing the best we can. So let’s remind each other to stop, take a breath, and look around. Because the view, even in the chaos, is beautiful.

A Gentle Reminder & A Challenge

As you go about your day, I encourage you to slow down and notice the subtle differences in each step. Yes, the routine may feel repetitive, but if you look closely, you’ll see the tiny, beautiful changes—the way your child mispronounces a word today that they’ll get right tomorrow, the way they reach for your hand without thinking, the little glimmers of growth happening right before your eyes.

And because we all need support on this journey, I want to challenge you—reach out to another mom today. Maybe it’s a friend, a sister, or even someone you haven’t spoken to in a while. Share this message with her, remind her that she is not alone, and encourage her to see the beauty in her own spiral staircase.

Because when we lift each other up, the climb becomes a little easier—and a lot more beautiful. 💛


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